Saturday, November 19, 2011

Kannagi - Epic Heroine turned Goddess

Kannagi Statue in Chennai
I planned to write this post four years ago after a trip to Kodungallur in Kerala. Recently I watched the Tamil movie "Elaam Arivu (7th sense). That movie inspired me to execute my four year plan now. With the (imagination mixed) information from Elaam Arivu, now we all know that "Bodhidharma", a Buddhist monk from South India (Kanchipuram) went to China to transmit Zen/Mahayana Buddhism, who is worshipped as a great master in the shaolin temples all over the world. But how many of us know that a Tamil epic heroine, Kannagi, is worshipped as goddess in the neighboring Kerala and Srilanka?

That was August 2007. I was on my way to Cochin from Guruvayur on a 4 days trip to kerala with my family. As per the itinerary, we had a plan to visit Kodungallur bhagavathy temple before reaching Cochin. When we reached Kodungallur, I saw a name board "Kannagi guest house". The board was written in English, Malayalam and Tamil. I told my wife that the name could be because of a Tamil donor who would have offered huge contributions to this temple's guest house. It was around 3 p.m. The temple was closed and we had to wait in the hall of temple's inner entrance. Above the main gate of the entrance I saw a painting.

Kannagi in the royal court of Pandya King
 In the portrait (realistic than the one shown here) I saw a furious woman with wide red eyes and a hand in raised position with an anklet. She was standing in the mid of a King's court. Anyone who knows Silappathikaram (One of the 5 great Tamil epics written by Elango Adigal, a prince turned Jain monk) can immediately understand that the portrait is nothing but the depcition of Kannagi in the court of Pandya King Nedunjcheliyan. I wondered why this portrait is placed at the entrance of this temple.

When I was walking through the inner prakaaram of the temple, I saw an idol with a name "Kannagi". I got a little surprised to see that. I called an old woman (believe me.. I called an old woman only!) to understand more about it. Though I could not understand much her Malayalam, I understood that the idol is nothing but Kannagi and she is considered as the sister of Bhagavathy. I thought I should collect more details about it later.

Few days after coming back to Chennai, I started searching the internet for the connection between Kodugallur and Kannagi. The following findings of my search showed a larger image of Kannagi than what I learnt in my school.

Goddess Pattini with anklets

After cursing and setting ablaze Madurai, Kannagi leaves the city. She attains salvation and wanders in the western ghats. Finally she reaches Kodungallur and remains there as Bhagavathy. The temple at Kodungallur is said to be built by Cheran Chenkuttuvan (Kodungallur had a port which was known as 'Musiris' by Greeks. When I read about the port 'Musiri' in my 9th standard history, I used to get confused that with another 'Musiri' in Trichy district, though the 'Musiri' port was part of Chera kingdom and 'Musiri' in Trichy district should have been a part of Chola kingdom). Kannagi on her way to Kodungallur, gives dharshan to the people of Attukal. They built a temple for
Kannagi. The Attukal Bhagavathy temple and it's Atukkal Pongala festival is very popular. Attukkal pongala festival is attended by millions of women every year.

Goddess Pattini
On further search about Kannagi, I found that she is worshipped as goddess in Sinhala Buddhism too. She is known as 'Pattini' in Sri Lanka. She is worshipped by Hindus and Buddhists of Sri Lanka.

There are some more references, which compare Kannagi and Egyptian Goddess Isis.

It is not about Kannagi's chaste and loyalty to her husband that we need to talk about. It is about the courage of a woman that questioned the king and punished him and his kingdom for his mistake. While she is worshipped as a goddess outside Tamilnadu, there were problems in keeping her statue in the same state where she lived.

I am not sure whether the story of Kannagi is taught in the schools now. Unless we tell the stories of the great legends lived in our own soil, our children will always look towards  West for role models.

References: - Kannagi statue in Marina


b.gupta said...

Kannagi's anklet was filled of diamonds and queen anklet was of pearls and in look were similar .
why the in story why ankets were compared .
compare shows in , diamonds and pearls , the kannagi would had been the very elder to the queen .
some mishappenings would had been taken in very past and the stories would had been going on birth by birth..

realy how many kannagi stories would had been created , how many girls would had made kannagi ,
how many boys and small, gods , devatas would had been made to run the story -would had made culprits and victims)

was the kannagi story was pre planned .( because of this writing how many lifes would be spoiled )
as agaytiar curses to jai indra /

What was cause behind every happening , why kovalan only became culprit or victim ,like kovalan and kanagi , how many lifes are spoiled are being spoiled from the very ancient times ( no one is blamed , blamed is the system of karmas ). what would had been the cause behind kannagi and kovalan story as if shown in the agaytiar movie agaytiar curses jaindran , and urvashi to born in the city of poompuhar .were jai indran with urvashi affairs wrong . who was jai indran , and who was urvashi .

person the indra was accused by the great gods , the link given below seekers/faith-and-rituals/

was jaiindra , his real son . in agaytiar movie agaytiar says to jai indra , jaiindra you born to indra and you have not understand me .

in dasavataram old movie,durvasa rishi curses to indra story might had link ,
poompuhar 's story and history is match able to the story shown in agaythyiar movie -- as agaythiar curses -- e=related

crores and crores of peoples are being killed ,destryoed in such a way no one can find out , and given different shapes and made to bad brains and minds ,
genetical deshaped and disorded to lusty and bad brains and bad minds .
are made from single soul to multy humans souls to suffer and painful
creatures to never become humans and buried alive under earth and even
killed into stomaches and made to toilets and throughn into hells like

Kannagi story was repeated again in the ambala under earth , this time also great cruilities happend on kannagi ,

if i am not wrong , kannagi , (tamil) is the daughter or sister of great and very ancient god can be said southern god . .

why the cruilities and mishappenings were and are happening again and again , what is the wrong with peoples and peoples went of wrong wisdom and misbehavings and bad acts ..
and peoples are beaten very badly and broken and even buried alive by the great gods and goddesses and great humans gods like murgan bhiraspaty ,bharama ,
dakshina moorty , narayanan , and many power full and great gods ..

b.gupta said...

Draupady , ganga ,kannagi , bhooma devi , saraswaties . sitas , and other devies and other good peoples were always and again and again insulted and were victim of cruielties and crimes .and girls like taraka(tataka) and her mother and her souls were accused and culprits and of cruilities ,why could not become good humans and peoples like others . why peoples became so bad and wrong even girl and ladies insulted ladies ,

Was kunti and kunti's humans and other souls were real cuilprits , in the 2012 ,13 ,2014 were beaten and killed very badlly by the gods like bharama , guru bhiraspati ,dakshina moorti , two goddess might be ganga and draupadi and other gods like may be ram ,krishna , and others .of many mahabharata story of one kunty was mother of human of taraka or taraka sister .according to one story draupadi was boon/cursed by shiva of five husdands . kunti and kunti's humans and other souls would had been culprits or guilty of revenges .

Were putana , who tried to kill krishna by making drink milk and other women ,like holika ,who tried to burn krishna and other womens and others were culprits or were became the cuplprits of wrong and bad traditions or bad karmas of karmas or some other traditions

Why krishna ,rama ,shiva and others mahans elder peoples were good peoples and indras and others peoples were bad
crores and crores have been destroyed and are being buried alive under earths , throughwn into hells and made landless ,
why others peoles could not become good humans and good peoples

who were those peoples , which has been and being killed ,destroyieded ,
whose generations were , why were bad peoples , were really bad , why
could not became good peoples ,

Were rama and ravana were
enemy ? , if i am not wrong rama shakti and murgan and veerbhadra are
same avatars .(savarupnaga , ravana sister and sita might had been the close
relative) .
which peoples would had some wrong and intercaste marrages . intercaste marrages would had been the cause of quarrels there would had been great conspirancies to kill the peoples. which were from the westren and south westron parts of himayalas .in many stories of dakasa prajapati story also many wrong and multy wifes and mishappenigs happened . ( peoples which had to make lifes good and better , used the criminals ,enemities and wrong ideas and methods for spoiling and destroying the lifes )

Culprits and cruel peoples , who had done cruelities
on brahma and saraswati , and ganga and sita , ahiyilia , draupdi and on
many goddesses and gods ,and on good peoples ,

crores and crores of peoples are being killed ,destryoed in such a way no one can find out , and given different shapes and made to bad brains and minds ,
genetical deshaped and disorded to lusty and bad brains and bad minds .
are made from single soul to multy humans souls to suffer and painful
creatures to never become humans and buried alive under earth and even
killed into stomaches and made to toilets and throughn into hells like
cause ----Culprits and cruel peoples , who had done cruelities
on brahma and saraswati , and ganga and sita , ahiyilia , draupdi and on
many goddesses and gods ,and on good peoples ,

b.gupta said...

{my views , which i found some what truth )my views may or may not be acceptable truth.}

Many ramayanas are there , like valmiki ,vashist ,kamb, ramanujan ,ramayanaa are few of many other versons of ramayana ,
what is the meaning of ramayana found ,– ramayana = ram +ayan ( ayan meaning came ) ,

to some stories ahyilyia was cursed by gotham rishi , Ahalya was
converted to stone ,As for Ahalya, Gautama granted her the boon that she
would be brought back to human form by the touch of the feet of Lord
Rama .
so rama avatar would had been made (incarnated) ,thus how many ramas would had been created ,

would gotham rishi would be knowing about rama avatar ?

ramayana so many ahilya versons are there ,( like in a verson , ganga
tells to gautam , it is mid night not the bath time go to home and see
some thing would have been wrong ) .

how many Ahilyas storeies
would had been made and how many gautams would had been made and how
many ahilyas lifes would had been spoiled ,how many indras would had
been made and how many girls/boys souls would had been made to sit in
hen or cock and make sound (cock crow) .thus how many would had been
made culprits ,sinners ,bad brains ,bad habituals of bad acts and bad
karma .
and those cuilprits , sinners are/would had been made to quarrel and killed in the wars of ramanyana .?

, would had took placed for the revenges and the cruelties happened on
ladies ( like savarupnakha ,sita ) . to show the cruelities ,gamblings
were played and sarees were made to removed

like ramayana vishvamitra story would have many versons and vishvamitras

would had been happened for revenges of ramayana and ramayana would had
been happened for ahiylia and what would be reason behind ahiliyia
insult was conspirancies or any ones evil idea .

really how many
would had been real culptits and how many would had been created and how
many would had been victims of vengences and eneyminities and how many
peoples souls would had been killed

killed peoples would had been
given births to different parents , differnt mothers ,different fathers
, and thus differnt marrages would had taken places in past birth some
ones mothers would had been wife of some another person .and some wrong
and illigal methods and would had been used like rapes for the birth and
for enemities and revenges .
thus quarrels would had been on increasing ,and peoples and souls became culprits and victims .
to one of the satguru video in the past arround 18 millions years 1.8
crores years ago and one of the papa ji ( h.l. punja ) video , arround
80 millilons years ,8 crores years ago some incarnations had took placed
and some wrong things and wrong marrages and wrong interchanged
childrens were given births by the other not by their husbands .
like this millions and millions peoples are accused .

( peoples which had to make lifes good and better , used the criminals
,and wrong ideas and methods for spoiling and destroying the lifes )

More than 99 % of peoples, gods ,souls had been inocents ,had not been
victims . if polatictics , conspirancies , crimanilites ,some wrong
traditions and some wrong rules of few from the ancient times would had
not been made.

why the wrong and mishappenings happened and
happenings from the very ancient times , why peoples went wrong for
wrong marrages wrong acts
Why the gods , devatas , peoples and
humans became wrong of bad wisdoms and wrong acts and bad karmas ,crores
and crores of peoples ,were all the peoples were bad .why became bad
instead of becoming good humans and peoples

for examples of very few , link given below–copy & paste
